Wednesday, August 7, 2013


We stopped time for a couple months
When we found our touch
So electric it put a halt to the clutch 
The cadence of our hearts 
Sped up, as the the click of it’s moving parts 
Slowed down, as love was more than love between you and me
A love that was more than this earth could see
Rising to the heavens where we could truly gleam 
As the clockwork stopped under our feet 

We stopped time for a couple months 
When we felt strong against the tide 
A tide of time that we almost defeated in our stride 
We spoke in whispers of love, kisses, and touch 
So the clocks wouldn’t hear us cheating time so much

We stopped time for a couple months
Standing on the gears of the clock 
Halting its works, 
We paused time for months 
For weeks
For minutes 
You could make time stand still forever I reckon
Until it came down to the very second

In the last second,
The strength of the clockwork shed your bones, blood, and being
Far away from me, as I stood there shedding mainly tears 
Immense tears to heavy the tides of time 
So no one would be strong enough to swim against it 
Now the clocks are stronger than love to reign 
So no one can feel what I lost again

By Sarah Libassi

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